familiar story

美 [fəˈmɪliər ˈstɔːri]英 [fəˈmɪliə(r) ˈstɔːri]
  • 熟悉的故事(或谎言、新闻)
familiar storyfamiliar story
  1. It is the cinematic space of Harbin , the director 's hometown , that transforms the brief and familiar story into a rich one .


  2. I won 't belabour the point , for this is a familiar story .


  3. It 's quite a familiar story .


  4. Retreading a familiar story line .


  5. It is a familiar story : It was the arrival of radio and television that started the decline of newspaper circulation .


  6. This is not the familiar story of a traveller from the West finding spiritual consolation in Eastern religions .


  7. This is a familiar story ; they also failed to notice similar behaviour surrounding the Libor benchmark in the interbank lending market .


  8. The familiar story a hedge against inflation or government insolvency is flatly contradicted by the low yields and inflation expectations in US Treasury bonds .


  9. The now familiar story of counterfeiting and piracy is also trotted out , along with environmental pollution , the growing Chinese demand for sources of energy and its internal social problems .


  10. A few years ago , many students are trained to be a familiar story using the skills of historical figures , many familiar to the ancient poetry , they can also come in handy in writing , with ease .


  11. But howeverbeautiful traditional depictions of the New Testament scenes may be ( Blake 's is especiallylyrical ) , after centuries of staring and being stared at , their repetition ofan overly familiar religious story has worn our eyes down like wave-washedstones .


  12. I don 't think I 'm familiar with the story .


  13. Most Chinese people are quite familiar with the story of The three wolves cries .


  14. I was familiar with the story of Troy before I read it in the original , and consequently I had little difficulty in making the Greek words surrender their treasures after I had passed the borderland of grammar .


  15. For those who aren 't familiar with the story , " My Neighbor Totoro " focuses on two young sisters , Mei and Satsuki , who move to a countryside home with their father , where they encounter various nature spirits while exploring the surrounding forests and fields .


  16. Some groups were intimately familiar with the PayPal story and others were only casual observers .
